Evenimentul va avea loc in Timisoara, mai exact la Centrul regional de afaceri. Pe perioada celor doua zile (27 si 28 iunie) vor avea loc 16 prezentari de moda, cate 8 in fiecare zi. Astfel, incepand cu ora 19:00, colectiile de liicenta ale studentiilor din anul IV (Facultatea de Arte si Design, sectia textile-moda) pot fi admirate de toti cei care doresc sa afle in ce directie o va lua moda in Timisoara.
In posturile viitoare, va vom prezenta atat o lista cu numele participantiilor, cat si o descriere mai amanuntita a colectiilor lor (+date de contact). Deasemenea, vom posta si o harta cu locatia.
Ne vedem acolo!
The event will take place in Timisoara (Romania), at the Regional Business Center to be more exact. For 2 days (June, 27 and 28) sixteen collections will be presented, eight in each day. So, from 7 PM, the collections of the 4th year students (the Art and Design University, in Timisoara) can be admired by everybody who wants to know where is Timisoara's fashion heading.In future posts, we will present a list with the designers and a detailed description of the collections (+ contacts). We will also post a map with the location.See you there!